Welcome to Bob Beverley's The Sharp Club
Good people often don’t take enough time to look after their own life. Yes, people look after their lives by taking care of others, and that is a fine way to find meaning. However, perhaps more often than you realize, you have to take care of just you alone.
It’s no different than a surgeon operating on your body. You receive all of his or her attention for whatever time it takes. It’s your turn on the table. It’s the same with your soul and the details of your life. You have to be your own surgeon and attend to the demands and details of your daily existence… and the dreams of your soul. This is a must, the way life is. You matter too.
The Sharp Club is what Steven Covey called “Sharpening the Saw,” which he called the 7th habit of highly effective people. He defined that sharpening as preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have -- you.
And so The Sharp Club is about you, with the hopes that it will help you live more keenly, with greater discernment, clarity, peace, self-respect, and love. We know this is not easy because we live in a tough world and, for most of us, the world inside-body, mind, and spirit -- is tough also. We are all prone to fear, pettiness, mediocracy, laziness, hatred, foolishness, and the like. The club is designed to help you look after your own life so that you can be as sharp as you need to be -- with yourself, for yourself, and with and for others.
The Sharps are meant to be read slowly and thoughtfully; hard-won realizations offered herein will help you achieve the quality life you deserve. I wish you a sharp life.
Love. Peace. Respect. Gratitude.
About Bob Beverley
Bob Beverley is the creator of The Sharp Club and author of The Daily Sharps.
Bob Beverley has been a psychotherapist for over 25 years in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York. He works knee-deep in the trenches of despair, violence, confusion, hopelessness, and the human struggle for growth and well-being on a daily basis. The wisdom offered in this club has been road-tested in the emotional emergency ward he’s always worked in. He has written several books including Dear Tiger: A Book for Tiger Woods and for Us All, How to Be a Christian and Still Be Sane, The Secret Behind the Secret Law of Attraction (with Kevin Hogan, Dave Lakhani, and Blair Warren), and Emotional Elegance, with a preface by David Allen.
Bob is a native of New Brunswick, Canada. He graduated with a degree in philosophy and English Literature from Gordon College, Wenham, Mass. He spent a junior year abroad at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He received a Masters of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary. Bob received a Certificate in Psychotherapy and Marriage and Family Therapy from the Blanton-Peale Graduate Institute in New York City in 1991.
Bob is available for motivational speaking, consultation, and psychotherapy.
Bob's daily dose of wisdom delivered in the Sharp Club emails is the highlight of my day. Bob has a magical way of causing one to reflect and to move forward, while ensuring the present is not lost. Imagine a wise friend whispering intimate truths and giving you the power and permission to do battle with life's challenges. He'll demand accountability for your all too human desire to focus on the negative in the most gentlemanly manner. I think Bob's greatest contribution with the Sharp Club is his modeling of vulnerability while he offers the life changing impact of being real over the white noise of life.
Nate Brookshire
Co-author of
Hidden Wounds: A Soldier's Burden
The Sharp Club has provided informative writing about navigating through personal relationships, advice concerning self introspection and mindfulness and has given me the ability to achieve peace in the midst of a bustling city.
Jill Sachs
Los Angeles, CA
SHARP is just that; specific, keen, pointed focused, and often therapeutic.
Paul J. Upham
Professor in Business at Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, and CEO of Wesley Associates
Some friends have questioned why I belong to The Sharp Club or read self-improvement books. I guess they think living a better life and making the world a little bit better by being a better person is not worth trying as an old man. Gee whiz, I'm only 75 and a lot of mileage to go. Bob inspires me and makes me understand people in such an entertaining way. It is a privilege to participate in such an uplifting experience.