Sharp - Never refuse money or a compliment
A few weeks ago I went to give a $20.00 tip to the golf cart guy at Dinsmore. I had told him before the round that I was going to take...
Sharp - Retroactive empathy
When I was young I had a ton of respect for my father who endured more than 40 years of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the first time I...
Sharp - You can text after your car ride
You can text after your car ride. It increases the odds that you can send another text tomorrow.
Sharp - You can't take back hammering down 4 shots
You can drink too little and add another glass in a while. You can't take back hammering down 4 shots.
Sharp - You can't take back angry words
You can take back silence. You can't take back angry words.
Sharp - Get it rolling, get it rolling, get it rolling
I have been putting off doing something necessary for almost two weeks. The more I put it off, the bigger it grew. I almost gave up, but...
Sharp - Two fans and two piles of sh*t.
When someone hurts your feelings, you think that you are either thinking well despite your feelings or feeling super accurately about the...
Sharp - How has someone suffered for you?
Here is a good habit: think more often how someone has actually suffered for you. A hint if you can’t think of anyone: 9 months. ...
Sharp - Avoid habitual disagreement.
Here is a good habit: avoid habitual disagreement. Agree?
Sharp - Where are you kidding yourself?
What are you saying about what’s going on compared to what is really going on? Where are you kidding yourself? Join the conversation or...
Sharp - Listen to your brain when it tells you simple things
At 5:30 p.m. I noticed that my phone had only 34% battery charge. I did not bother to reach in my briefcase, pull out my phone charger...